(Selected classified ads) 

Strayed, Lost, Found

Lost "A" Gasoline Ration Book - Walter Adams, 3020 Jones St., Minooka.
No. 4 Ration Book Lost - Marjorie Ann Merlo, 1210 Rundle St.
No. 4 Ration Book Lost - Mrs. Wm. Swartz, 539 Eynon St.


Automobile for sale
1935 Pontiac 6 - 4 door sedan, $175. Call at 166 E. Pine St., Dunmore, 5 to 9 p.m.

Business Services

Expert Watch Repairing - Swiss watches a specialty. All work guaranteed. E. J.Conway, Dime Bank Bldg., Phone 4-2100.


Help Wanted - Female:

A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN - For general light housework in adult family of three. Call between 6 and 7 p.m. any evening. 1745 Madison Ave.

COOK - For tea house, white or colored, for beautiful mountain resort. Write Box F, Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Those employed in essential industry need not apply.

GIRL OR WOMAN - who wants good home to take care of 2 children, age 3-1/2 and 1-1/2. No housework. Salary $30 a month. Write Box E-4, Times.

(Businesses looking for help included: A. S. Beck Shoe Co., 520 Lackawanna Ave. - GIRL WANTED for cashier; Western Union, C.G. Owens, chief operator traffic dept., 507 Lackawanna Ave., GIRLS 18-30 ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. PLEASANT, CLEAN WORK HANDLING TELEGRAMS OVER LONG DISTANCE AUTOMATIC CIRCUITS; Pocono Haven, Mount Pocono, HOSTESS WANTED; Binghamton Hospital, HOSPITAL OPENING, Delivery room nurse; Diamond Grill, 112 N. Washington Ave., WAITRESS; Union News Restaurant, D.L & W. Railroad Station, Scranton, WAITRESS WANTED; Pomerantz's, 906 Madison Ave., WANTED, GIRL to work in grocery store; Edwards Mfg. Co., 319 N. Seventh Ave., WANTED Experienced operators and learners on plain and Merrow machines; Medical Arts Bldg., YOUNG LADY, for elevator operator; Friendship House, 4-1297, WANTED, Woman or girl to work in pantry.)

Help wanted - Male:

AUTO MECHANIC - Married man of long experience. Postwar possibilities. Gruber Auto Co., 435 Wyoming Ave.

MAN ABOUT 35 to do general steady work. Apply Sherry Togs Mfg. Co. W.M.C. regulations observed.

PRESSER WANTED - $35 a week. Steady work. 8 hours daily. Apply 425 Linden St.

YOUNG MAN - To work at soda fountain. Apply Charles Soda Shoppe, Green Ridge Corners.

(Business in addition to the above looking for help included: Barre Supply Co., 508 Lackawanna Ave., BOY wanted for stock and delivery; Ceibus (?)-Gordon Co., 426 (?) n. Sixth Ave., BOY WANTED to work in warehouse; Herb's Furniture Store, 225 Penn Ave., 2-4480, DRIVER WANTED; Blue Jean Manufacturing Co., 315 Cherry St., EXPERIENCED cutters and spreaders for pants factory; Goldtone Studio, 411 Spruce St., MEN, TWO, neat, capable, make exceptionally good money with old established portrait studio; Blue Lantern Restaurant, 215 Wyoming Ave., SHORT ORDER COOK; Finch Mfg. Co., 8th Ave. and W. Linden St., WANTED AT ONCE, Experienced turret lathe operators; Fairview Memorial Estates, Elmhurst, Pa. Call Moscow 3066, WANTED handy man. Steady employment.)


Business Opportunities:

ROUTE OF LICENSED PIN BALL MACHINES - For sale. Will provide instructions. Earn up to $70 weekly. Price $1,250 cash. No triflers. Write Box C-6, Times.


Dogs, Cats, Other Pets:

DACHSHUND PUPPIES - For sale, McCormick's Dog Shop, 621 Spruce St.


Household Goods:

IVORY AND BLACK GAS STOVE - Good condition, $35. Call 9912.

JUST RECEIVED - Colorful summer curtains. Specially priced, 98c a pair. Wonder Store, 406 Lackawanna Ave.

WASHING MACHINE - For sale. A-1 condition; also sweeper, $5. M. J. Ruddy, 736 Fig St.

Rooms and Board

Rooms for Housekeeping:

JEFFERSON AVE. 640 - Beautiful, large front room. Tile bath. $6.50 per week.

WASHINGTON AVE., N. 708 - Clean, pleasant single rooms. $2.50 per week.

Real Estate for Rent

Houses for rent:

1/2 DOUBLE - 4 rooms, all improvements, $35. 817 Matthew Ave., Petersburg, 1/2 block from Laurel Line.


Legal Notices:

in re: ESTATE OF ANNA MULDOON, Late of Scranton, Pa., deceased. Debtors will make payment and creditors present claims to Patrick A. O'Boyle, executor, at 422 Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. James D. Jordan, Attorney.

in re: ESTATE OF FREDERICK MOESEL, Deceased, late of Scranton, Pa., formerly doing business as the Moesel Harness Shop at 911 North Washington Avenue. Letters Testamentary having been granted, debtors will make payments, creditors and all persons whose goods are now at the shop for repair, etc., will present claims to F. Charles Moesel, Executor, 961 Wheeler Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Robert G. Coglizer, Attorney.